We can we help.
Hoffmann Filter Corporation is a recognized industry leader in Oil and Coolant Filtration Systems, Band Filters, Coolant Chillers, Suction Band Filters, Vacuum Filters & more. Plus, we sell refurbished oil and coolant filters and parts as well.
Phone: (248) 486-8430
7627 Kensington Court Brighton, MI 48116
* Please complete as much information as possible in the forms above, and we will have the appropriate person contact you to answer all your questions.
At Hoffmann, it is one of our guiding principles that we back each of our filters with superior aftermarket service.
At Home Worldwide
USA | Brighton, Michigan
USA | New Hudson, Michigan
GERMANY | Lengede
BRAZIL | Sao Paulo
CHINA | Shanghai
INDIA | Mumbai-Pune
ITALY | Torino
S. KOREA | Changwon-City